
Sleeping Position for Back Pain
Can stretching improve lower back mobility and function?

As with many other aspects of your health, “use it or lose it” applies to the structures in your lower back. When muscles and soft tissue aren’t exercised, they start to lose mass and become stiff. If muscles in one part of your back tighten up and lose length, you

leg pain behind knee
7 reasons why you may have trouble bending and extending your knee

It’s common to notice occasional stiffness in your joints in the days after a hard workout or a physically demanding project. Moving and installing flooring or roofing can be particularly hard on your knees. But it can be worrisome to realize that you suddenly can’t bend your knee or extend

Faster Recovery with Rehab Access
10 benefits of cardiovascular exercise

When was the last time you got light to moderate exercise more than three days in a week? Most people today live a sedentary lifestyle, which means we spend most of our time sitting. If you don’t exercise often, any kind of physical activity can lead to an injury. An

Physical Therapy Hip Strengthening Exercises
Physical Therapy Hip Strengthening Exercises 

Despite their reputation for being a sure indicator of someone’s advanced age, the hips are the strongest area of the body and are remarkably resilient. As the muscular center of your body, the hips are vital in allowing you to walk, sit, and move well in general throughout your life.

4 Reasons for Your Heel Pain While Running
Here are 7 ways you can exercise more comfortably with heel spurs

Heel spurs aren’t just a fashionable accessory to go with your cowboy boots. Many people with heel spurs don’t even know they have them, but sometimes they can be very painful. In the medical world, heel spurs are calcium deposits that build up in response to excessive stress on the

11 types of physical therapist-recommended exercises for shoulder tendinitis

If you start feeling shoulder pain when you’re working with your hands over your head, it’s a sign you should stop and rest. Shoulder tendinitis often happens during this type of activity, for instance, swimming, throwing sports like baseball or home maintenance projects. Athletes and people with certain jobs like

At-Home Care Rehab After Surgery
What types of exercises can improve your muscular endurance?

When you think about muscles, and how you can improve yours, you’re likely thinking about the strength of your muscles. Your muscles need to be strong enough to protect your joints and prevent injury. However, your muscular endurance is also important to consider.  Endurance refers to the ability to sustain

6 resistance training exercises that can improve your muscle strength

One of the best ways to accomplish your health and wellness goals is to keep pushing yourself and challenging your abilities. That means fighting against what’s holding you back to make you stronger. That’s what resistance training is all about. Resistance training refers to exercises that involve working against a

stretches and Exercise for a Stiff Knee
Stretches and Exercise for a Stiff Knee 

Even if you’re not a long-distance runner or athlete, your knees undergo constant repetitive stress each and every day, which means they’re often the first joint that experiences pain, stiffness, or other issues as you age. Knee pain and knee stiffness hinders your ability and enjoyment of daily life, but

Common Shoulder Injuries From Falling
Struggling with shoulder impingement? Try these 6 exercises

Exercise is essential for both your physical and mental health. While it’s often used as a way to improve your overall lifestyle and wellness, the right exercises can also help to alleviate issues that are impacting your quality of life, such as a painful shoulder condition like shoulder impingement.  Shoulder

How Physical Therapy Helps Vertigo
How Physical Therapy Helps Vertigo

Have you or a loved one ever been caught in the middle of a normal day with a sudden bout of dizziness, nausea, or loss of balance? It’s a disturbing symptom to experience but is not something you need to live in fear of happening again. These symptoms could indicate

Physical Therapy After Knee Surgery
13 of the best exercises for strengthening your knees

Your knees are the hinge joints that connect your upper and lower legs. They help you to bend, straighten and twist your legs. The parts of the knee include: When you bend your knee, the femur slides over the tibia. The patella moves up and down in a groove on