Patient Blogs

The top 8 reasons you might feel knee and ankle pain in the same leg

If you’re experiencing knee pain and foot or ankle pain in the same leg, it can be hard to tell if you’ve got one injury or two different ones. The...

physical therapy without doctor's referral

Can you go to physical therapy without a primary doctor’s referral?

Have you recently gotten injured or suffered a medical condition? You might be in need of a physical therapist’s help. You’d be one of nearly 2.4 billion in the world...

5 lumbar radiculopathy exercises

Lower back pain can interfere with your quality of life because your everyday activities can cause an ache, from sitting at your work desk to taking a walk in the...

5 causes of a stiff knee after sitting

5 causes of a stiff knee after sitting

The knee joint is one of the most mobile joints in your body, but it is also one of the likeliest to become stiff or painful when standing up after...

rotator cuff vs labrum tear:

Rotator Cuff vs. Labrum Tear: How you can tell these shoulder injuries apart

The shoulder is made up of four joints, three bones, four tendons and three groups of muscles. With so many different parts, it can be hard to determine an exact...

i have a sharp, stabbing pain in my knee that comes and goes: what is it?

I have a sharp, stabbing pain in my knee that comes and goes: What is it?

Knee pain can seriously put a damper on your daily activities, especially if it’s unpredictable and intense. If you need some help figuring out the source of your knee pain,...

hip and back pain after total knee replacement

Hip and Back Pain After Total Knee Replacement

Total knee replacements are pretty common and are expected to become even more so in the next few years. They’re most often performed on people who suffer from osteoarthritis or...

What is triscaphe arthritis and how do I treat it?

You may have heard of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, but have you ever heard about triscaphe arthritis? Well, if you experience joint pain at the base of your thumb where...

How do you know if you have knee scar tissue and what can you do about it?

Scar tissue is your body’s natural response to trauma, and it gradually forms after the healing of a wound. However, built-up scar tissue can significantly impact your daily life and...