
5 benefits of at-home physical therapy

Physical therapy is a common treatment option for people who have sustained an injury, have a medical condition or want to boost the overall condition of their body. But sometimes going to a physical therapy clinic just isn’t an option. Sometimes you can’t get time away from work or you

Stiff knee pain: 3 common causes and treatments

Your knees allow you to complete every movement throughout your day, from sitting down at your work desk to walking around your house. So when your knee becomes stiff, even the simplest motions can become hard and painful. Knee pain is a common issue that affects about 25% of all

Jumper's knee physical therapy
Jumper’s knee: 4 PT techniques & 5 exercises that can help

The knee joint is a vital part of your body for movement. It is made up of the thighbone (femur), the kneecap (patella), the shinbone (tibia), muscles and tendons. People who frequently participate in sports or activities that involve a lot of jumping and landing can experience jumper’s knee pain. 

What Does TMJ Dysfunction Feel Like? | Continuum Wellness
What does TMJ dysfunction feel like?

TMJ (temporomandibular joint) dysfunction is a disorder that causes pain or discomfort in your jaw and/or the areas around it, like the mouth, cheeks or eyes. The pain and discomfort can travel throughout the face and cause discomfort in other areas.  TMJ can also feel like aching, tingling, discomfort and

How long does it take for a herniated disc to heal without surgery?

Surgery is usually a last resort for most injuries and medical conditions that can’t be efficiently treated by other methods. Many people naturally heal from their injuries over time, or their medical condition symptoms can be managed without the need for a surgical procedure.  A herniated disc is a condition

Rotator Cuff Physical Therapy Exercises for Student-Athletes
Rotator cuff physical therapy exercises for student-athletes

We all put our shoulders through wear and tear on a daily basis, especially people who participate in strenuous fitness activities and sports. Nearly every sport requires ample mobility of the shoulder, from tossing a basketball from the three-point line to swinging a golf club. While athletes of any age

Rotator cuff physical therapy exercises
4 rotator cuff physical therapy exercises

As a major part of your shoulder, your rotator cuff goes through a lot of wear and tear. From playing sports to reaching high shelves, you put your rotator cuff through a lot on a daily basis. So when your rotator cuff is injured, it can interfere with your quality

Tennis Elbow Treatment
Physical therapy for tennis elbow

Millions of people play tennis, either on the weekends with friends or at a professional level. And while tennis can be fun, it can take a toll on the body. In fact, there’s an elbow injury that’s so common with tennis players that it was nicknamed after the sport.  Tennis

Jumper’s knee physical therapy: What to expect

You may not realize it, but you put your knees through a lot of wear and tear on a daily basis, especially if you consistently work out or play sports. And sometimes that strain gets to be too much for your tendons, which can cause a painful knee injury. Any

Mid adult man squatting on golf course
4 treatments & 3 tips for golf-related knee pain

Although golf can seem like a low energy output sport, it still requires the same precautions and preparations as all other sports. In golfing, you use your entire body in an athletic stance to precisely aim that golf ball. So it is important to know how to prevent injury or