
PT Board Exam
6 steps to take to find a job after your PT board exam

You’ve passed your PT board exam and obtained your license. Now, after all your hard work and dedication, it’s time to land that first position in your field. Taking the time to plan your search can mean the difference between finding a job and finding your dream. You want a

tmj flare up
7 things that could be behind your TMJ dysfunction flare-up

While it’s always bothersome to feel pain that interferes with your day-to-day life, it can be even worse when it comes and goes. No one wants to feel relieved when a pain goes away, thinking it’s gone for good, just for it to recur soon after.   TMJ dysfunction is

Motorcycle Injury
Motorcycle injury treatment: What to expect

Riding a motorcycle puts you at a significantly higher risk of sustaining potentially fatal injuries in an accident. In fact, motorcyclists are 4 times as likely to sustain an injury on the roads and 24 times more likely to experience fatal injuries than car passengers.  Are you one of the

finger hurts to bend
Finger hurts to bend? Could be trigger finger

Does it hurt to bend your finger? Experiencing any kind of hand pain can be a major inconvenience. The fingers are essential for many daily activities. If you work with your hands, finger pain can make it feel impossible to get anything done. One common cause of finger pain is

Hip Knee and Ankle Pain in One Leg
Hip, knee and ankle pain in one leg: What could it be?

If you’ve started experiencing frequent hip, knee and ankle pain in one of your legs, you’re likely wondering what the cause might be. This type of pain can stem from many different health conditions. Often, an injury or condition that starts in one area of the body can progress to

car crash injury
Physical therapy after a car crash injury is critical to healing

Physical therapy after a car crash injury is an important part of the healing process. Car accidents can cause a variety of injuries and were responsible for approximately 5.4 million injuries in 2021. These injuries can range from mild bruises or sprains to severe injuries like fractures, spinal damage or

hip pain when sitting
Hip pain when sitting? Could be these 5 causes

Do you feel acute hip pain whenever you sit down? Experiencing this kind of pain can be frustrating, especially if you spend a lot of time sitting. People who work in an office or in other workplaces where sitting is common may find it difficult to get their job done

What is a HEP in physical therapy
What is a HEP in physical therapy?

Everyone should prioritize exercise in their day-to-day life, especially if they’ve been injured or they’re struggling with a medical condition that’s reducing their mobility. Once your patients learn about the proper exercises at your practice, it’s important that they continue doing their therapeutic exercises between sessions at your clinic. That’s

Does Your Knee Feel Tight and Stiff?
Does your knee feel tight and stiff? 4 possible causes

Tightness and stiffness in the knees are common to experience. The knees are responsible for carrying, at minimum, the weight of your body. They help you maneuver your body during most types of daily movements and activities. The strain you place on your knees daily can cause injuries and other

knee hurts when straight but not when bent
Three reasons your knee hurts when straight but not when bent

Whenever you go for a run, bend down, or even walk to your mailbox, your knees are bearing much of your body weight to do so. In fact, your knees are involved in a large variety of movements you perform each day, whether that be sitting down, standing up or

4 ways to reduce burning pain in your elbow

When the tendon in your elbow becomes injured or affected by a certain condition, sometimes a burning pain can result in the elbow joint. The most common types of elbow conditions that cause this type of pain are tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow; however, the conditions can vary depending on