
stabbing pain in the side of your foot
4 issues that can cause stabbing pain in the side of your foot

Has the pain in your feet been bothering you lately? You’d be one of 87% of people who report experiencing foot pain at some point in their lives. Foot pain is a fairly common type of pain to experience, but it can be extremely disruptive to everyday life. If your

how long for herniated disc to heal without surgery
How long can it take for a herniated disc to heal without surgery?

Back pain can be an issue that causes persistent discomfort during unavoidable physical tasks, such as changing your position on the couch or bending over to grab something from a low cabinet. There are many possible causes for back pain, but a herniated disc is one that may take a

8 top techniques used in physical therapy for neck pain

Neck pain is a common ailment that can affect your daily life, making even the simplest tasks uncomfortable. Neck pain affects nearly 20% to 50% of people every year. Neck pain can be due to a variety of issues, but no matter the cause, finding pain relief is your top

Physical Therapy for Neck Pain
4 things to expect in a physical therapy session for neck pain

Are you struggling with neck pain that just won’t go away? Is it interfering with your ability to perform everyday activities, like work and sleep? You’d be one of 80% of people in the U.S. who experience neck pain at some point in their lifetimes. You’re also one of the

ankle pain without injury
What is causing your ankle pain after walking?

Foot and ankle pain after walking can be a frustrating experience. If you are someone who spends a lot of time on their feet, being able to walk without ankle pain is important. You do not have to be a seasoned athlete to have persistent ankle pain seriously impact your

torn meniscus physical therapy
Torn meniscus physical therapy: 5 techniques it commonly includes

Your knees carry nearly your entire body when you’re standing, and 1 1/2 times your body weight when you walk. It’s important to be proactive about treatment when you’re experiencing pain and reduced mobility in your knee. There are many ways that your knee can sustain damage, including a torn

inner foot arch pain
3 ways PT can help arch pain in your inner foot

When your feet are in pain, it can make you want to just lie around and stay off them as much as possible. Pain can stem from any part of your foot, including the arch, which is responsible for your support and balance.   Arch pain in your inner foot

lower back pain arthritis
5 ways physical therapists can treat lower back pain from arthritis

Pain from arthritis can be frustrating to deal with anywhere in the body. When arthritis pain affects the lower back, it can be especially debilitating. You may experience swelling and a chronic, stinging joint pain. Your symptoms may worsen with physical activities that put pressure on your lower back. This

lower back and upper buttock
What can cause lower back and upper buttock pain?

Pain anywhere in your body can affect your quality of life, but pain in your lower back and upper buttocks can make it difficult to stand, walk or even sit. While it’s easy to just hope that it fades quickly on its own, that’s not always the case. If you’re