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In the world of sports and fitness, understanding how the body moves is crucial in both optimizing performance and preventing injuries. As part of our commitment to enhancing our patients’ health and wellbeing, we’re proud to offer assessments with DorsaVi biomechanical sensors—a convenient and powerful set of tools designed to provide real-time, reliable data on every move you make. 

What is DorsaVi? 

DorsaVi is a proprietary wearable motion sensor technology with devices designed to measure particular parts of the body for rich, detailed biometric analysis. These modern sensors are ideal for physical therapists and athletic trainers because they are highly reliable and provide flexible data measuring abilities, giving your provider immediate feedback and analysis to act on. 

These sensors are small and discreet yet remarkably powerful. They capture a wide range of motion data, from the angles at which your joints move to the speed of muscle contractions. This level of detail is invaluable, especially for those looking to fine-tune their athletic performance or rehabilitate after an injury. With DorsaVi, you have the advantage of data that is both reliable and comprehensive. 

How we use DorsaVi in practice 

Although the motion of your sport, hobby, or basic mobility might seem like second nature to you, it’s almost always a complex technique that requires coordination between your nerves, muscles, and brain. With the valuable insights of DorsaVi’s equipment, you’ll gain objective information about your movements to adapt what feels natural to what’s mechanically best suited for your body and movements. 

The sensors can detect inefficiencies, asymmetry, or non-optimized motion in your stride and other movements, helping to identify areas for improvement. This information is essential for athletes striving for peak performance and for anyone aiming to reduce their risk of injury through better technique. 

We can use DorsaVi to better understand and create treatments with the following assessments and services: 

  • Running analysis 
  • Upper body motion 
  • Low back motion 
  • Balance measurement 
  • Neck range of motion 
  • Knee injury and health assessment 

DorsaVi and other wearable movement sensors continue to develop increasingly efficient and useful technologies that we will implement as we see added benefits to our patients and their goals.  

What to expect from your DorsaVi assessment 

There’s no special preparation you need to do before a DorsaVi appointment compared to any other visit to a physical therapist. Simply arrive wearing comfortable clothes and shoes and be ready to demonstrate your stride, swing, or other movement being tested. 

Seamless integration with existing assessments 

If you’ve participated in a video running analysis or a similar biomechanical assessment before, you’ll find DorsaVi to be a familiar experience. The process involves wearing one or several sensors on strategic parts of your body. These sensors are lightweight and unobtrusive, allowing you to walk, run, or perform activities naturally while capturing valuable motion and position data. 

Combining sensor and video analysis 

While DorsaVi sensors provide comprehensive data on their own, they are sometimes used alongside video analysis. This combination offers a fuller picture of your movement, capturing angles and visual data that enrich the overall assessment. This dual approach ensures that no detail is missed, empowering our physical therapists to devise highly personalized plans. 

Privacy and compliance 

As with all your health data, privacy with your DorsaVi assessment is a top concern. Rest assured that all data collected during your DorsaVi assessment remains confidential and secure, compliant with HIPAA regulations. Your information is never shared without your explicit consent. 

Gain new insights with a DorsaVi biomechanical assessment 

The precise data provided by DorsaVi biomechanical sensors translates directly into improved performance. Whether you’re seeking to optimize your running form, recover from an injury, or simply understand your body’s movements better, DorsaVi offers the insights you need. 

Learn more about the advantages DorsaVi can offer your treatment or performance goals by reaching out to our physical therapists by calling a clinic near you or requesting an appointment online today.