
What are the top causes of pain between the shoulder blades?

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What Causes Pain Between Shoulder Blades

Shoulder blade pain can arise from a variety of factors. Medically known as interscapular pain, this kind of pain can be triggered by injuries, strains and underlying health conditions. Pain serves as one of the body’s signals that something is not right. When you are experiencing pain, it is important not to brush it off. Pain between your shoulder blades could be an indication of a more serious health issue. By seeking guidance from a health care professional, you can identify and address the source of your pain. Different conditions can require different specialized treatments. Understanding the cause of your own pain is essential for finding a treatment that is effective for your unique situation. 

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Causes of pain between the shoulder blades


  • Bursitis — Bursae are fluid-filled sacs that cushion joints throughout your body. When you overexert yourself or repeat stressful motions, your bursae may get irritated. Bursitis occurs when one or more bursae become inflamed. When the bursae under the shoulder blades get irritated, it can cause pain in the surrounding area. Bursitis around the scapula (shoulder blade) can occur after a single traumatic incident. Bursitis can also develop over time due to continual irritation. Bursitis-specific treatments may include physical therapy methods like manual therapy to reduce inflammation. By addressing your bursitis, you may be able to relieve the pain between your shoulder blades.
  • Muscle strain — Pain between the shoulder blades can emerge from strained muscles. Plenty of factors commonly contribute to muscle strain, from poor posture to inadequate mattress support when sleeping. Your career and activities can also play a role. Does your daily work involve intensive labor like lifting and carrying heavy objects? This kind of work can put stress on your rhomboid muscles. The rhomboids are muscles positioned between your shoulders and spinal cord. When these muscles are strained, it can cause pain between your shoulder blades. Sports activities that involve sudden twisting motions can also heighten the risk of a muscle strain.
  • Bulging or herniated discs — The spinal discs are complex structures that help hold the whole spine together. When a condition affects these discs, it can cause pain throughout the back. A bulging disc is different from a herniated disc. Though the two conditions are similar, a herniated disc can be more painful. A bulging disc is a disc that has started to bulge out from its place in the spinal column. This can cause damage and irritation in the disc and the area surrounding it. “Herniated disc” tends to refer to a more severe rupture in the disc. A herniated disc may protrude farther and cause more irritation. A bulging or herniated disc can compress nerves in the spine, leading to pain between the shoulder blades. Tingling, numbness and arm pain are other symptoms often associated with bulging or herniated discs.
  • Arthritis — Arthritis, characterized by inflamed joints, can cause chronic pain and stiffness. Arthritis is a common condition, with nearly a quarter of adults in the United States receiving some kind of arthritis diagnosis. Joints throughout the body can be affected by arthritis. That includes the joints in and around your shoulders. Osteoarthritis is one particular form of arthritis that can cause severe pain between the shoulder blades. When the cartilage that cushions your joints erodes with age and use, you might experience more irritation in your joints and bones. This degeneration of joint cartilage is called osteoarthritis. Physical therapy can be an effective option for managing your arthritis pain without medication.
  • Pancreatic inflammation — The pancreas is responsible for turning the food you eat into usable energy. Though this organ resides in the abdomen, it can still cause pain all the way up between your shoulder blades. Inflammation in the pancreas can trigger pain that radiates into the shoulder blade area after eating. This is because the pancreas is close to the diaphragm, which is partially connected to the spine.

Find relief for pain between the shoulder blades with help from Franklin Rehabilitation

Dealing with continuous pain can be a big challenge. For those ready to find effective treatment, Franklin Rehabilitation Physical Therapy is here to help. Our dedicated team is ready to address your concerns through specialized rehab tools and services. Each of our therapy specialists has an average 15 years of experience in the field. This helps equip them to address complex shoulder conditions and meet your unique needs as a patient.

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.

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