
How to Get Rid of Crunching Sound in Knee

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If you’ve noticed a strange crunching sound when you bend or move one of your knees, you’re not alone. For many older adults, this can be an unsettling experience, even if it isn’t accompanied by pain or other symptoms. The sound might raise a variety of concerns: What does it mean? Is something wrong? Am I about to have knee problems?

It’s understandable to be a little anxious, but fortunately, noises from the knee aren’t always a reason to worry. Sometimes, they can be addressed with simple adjustments to your daily routine, or even go away on their own. However, since this symptom often coincides with other issues, we still recommend getting it looked at, even if you’re not experiencing pain.

What is the crunching sound in knee?

The medical term for various noises like crunching, popping, clicking, or snapping in joints is crepitus. You might hear this noise as you walk, climb stairs, or bend your knees.

Crepitus happens when something disrupts the smooth movement of your knee joint. Causes for crepitus include air bubbles inside the joint, cartilage wear-and-tear, or minor changes in the alignment of the joint. While these sounds can happen to anyone, older adults are typically the most likely to experience crepitus.

Although crepitus is often harmless, it may indicate underlying issues like osteoarthritis or cartilage breakdown. It can also serve as a pre-pain warning sign that changes in the joint or surrounding tissues are occurring. That’s why it’s worth paying attention—especially if you notice new or unusual sounds.

Symptoms related to knee crunching sound

For many people, the crunching sound in the knee might come with no discomfort, which can make it easy to ignore. However, for others, additional symptoms may accompany these noises, such as:

  • Pain (sharp or dull)
  • Stiffness
  • Persistent swelling
  • Redness
  • Reduced range of motion

The most common condition related to these symptoms is osteoarthritis. If you’re older or have a history of knee issues—such as injuries or surgeries—it’s especially important to be aware of your symptoms and seek help when you notice changes because arthritis can’t be reversed, although it can be treated.

How to get rid of the crunching sound in knee with or without pain

Whether you’re in pain, having other symptoms, or are simply tired of the constant noise your knee might be making, a physical therapist can work with you to alleviate your symptoms and protect your knee from future harm.

There are a lot of tools at our disposal to treat crepitus and osteoarthritis, some of the key treatments being:

  • Targeted knee strengthening exercises
  • Joint mobilization for smoother movement
  • Preventative care tailored to your lifestyle
  • Scar tissue treatments

Physical therapy specialists in Franklin, WI

Knee noises like crunching or popping don’t always indicate a serious problem, but they’re worth investigating. By addressing crepitus early—whether or not pain is present—you can avoid further damage and even improve your joint health in the long run.

Our physical therapists are the neighborhood experts for knee pain and other mobility issues for folks in Franklin. If your knee is making noise it didn’t used to make, don’t hesitate to call or request an appointment online today for you or your loved one. We can often accommodate both virtual or even at-home appointments for those who may have difficulty coming to our clinic.