
Pain Behind Knee When Bending It: Potential Causes | SSOR

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Pain behind knee when bending it

Do you feel knee pain behind the kneecap when bending the joint? Pain in the knee can be a troubling sensation. In some cases, this symptom can limit your capacity to engage in simple activities like walking and running. When it comes to addressing your pain, the first step is identifying the source. The knee is a complex part of the body. The joint of the knee is surrounded by several structures that can be vulnerable to injury and other conditions. When you experience pain behind the knee when bending it, the source is not always located in the knee itself. The different parts of the body are deeply interconnected. When you have issues affecting other parts of your body, especially the legs, you may experience referred pain around your knees. 

The variety of potential knee pain causes can make finding relief difficult. The most effective treatments are tailored to the conditions they address. For individuals experiencing knee pain, physical therapy is a popular choice. A skilled physical therapist can assess your condition and provide targeted care. To understand more about what could be causing your pain, it can help to learn about different conditions that tend to result in pain behind the knee when bending.

Potential causes of pain behind your knee when bending it

  • Hamstring strain — The hamstrings are tendons located at the back of your thighs. Like other tendons, each hamstring works to keep your muscles and bones connected. When using the term “hamstring,” medical sources and professionals are often referring to the connected muscles as well as the tendons. A hamstring strain occurs when these muscles are stretched or torn. The intensity of your symptoms will depend on the severity of your hamstring strain. In some cases, a hamstring strain can result in persistent widespread pain and restricted mobility. The hamstring muscles play a crucial role in helping the knee bend. When these muscles are strained, you may feel pain behind the knee when bending it. Effective treatments include rest and gradual physical therapy strengthening exercises.
  • Bursitis — Bursitis is the inflammation of the bursae, which are small sacs situated between different joints. Each bursa functions to cushion the joints from intense pressure and limit tissue friction. When these sacs are inflamed, experiencing painful swelling and tenderness in the area is common. The kind of bursitis that tends to affect the knee is called pes anserine bursitis. The name refers to the area around the knee tendon. Between the shinbone and the hamstring tendons, there is a bursa sac. Repetitive overuse and muscle imbalances are key factors that can lead to inflammation of this bursa. Once irritated, the bursa tends to cause more pain with joint movements. If bursitis is causing pain behind your knee when bending it, finding effective care is essential. A physical therapist can target your bursitis directly while also addressing contributing factors.
  • Meniscus tear — The meniscus is cartilage that helps stabilize the knee joint. When this tissue is injured and torn, you may experience sharp pain behind the knee when bending it. Bending your knee may also cause a clicking or popping sensation. Athletes are among those most at risk for meniscus tears. High-impact activities are more likely to cause a sudden twisting of the knee, which can stretch or tear the meniscus. Specific treatments may vary depending on the injury’s severity level. You can work with your physical therapist to determine a treatment strategy that matches your needs.
  • Baker’s cyst — Are you experiencing swelling behind your knee that causes pain when bending it? This swelling could be a Baker’s cyst. These cysts develop as a result of excess fluid production, typically due to an injury. An injury like a meniscus tear can lead to the formation of a Baker’s cyst. Your physical therapist can help address the underlying issue and guide you through proper resting methods to alleviate your pain.

SSOR can help address the cause behind your knee pain when bending

Need expert assistance in treating your knee pain? SSOR (Specialists in Sports and Orthopedic Rehabilitation) can help. Our team is committed to delivering rapid results with full transparency during the course of your treatment. We understand that understanding the source of your discomfort is vital to receiving appropriate treatment. You can get a comprehensive evaluation at one of our clinics to learn more about your condition. With a free screening, you can find out how we can help you find relief and reduce your risk of future knee injury.

Contact us today for more information about knee pain treatments or to schedule an initial appointment.