
Medial/Inner Ankle Pain: Causes and Treatment in Grand Rapids 

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Medial/Inner Ankle Pain: Causes and Treatment in Grand Rapids

No matter what age you are, you can experience sudden ankle pain out of nowhere that really interrupts your day-to-day routine. It could just be that you recently rolled your ankle, which can heal on its own, but when sudden ankle pain continues cropping up after days or weeks, there might be something a little more serious going on.

Some symptoms of a medial ankle sprain correlate with inner ankle pain, but a specific diagnosis by a physical therapist in Grand Rapids is the best way to know for sure how to handle your ankle health both now and in the future.

What is an inner ankle sprain?

There are several ligaments in the interior of the ankle that can be damaged either due to a specific injury or with overuse. This damage is called a sprain and has varying degrees of severity, from tearing just a few fibrous connective tissue strands to a complete tear of a whole ligament. The main connective tissue in the inner ankle is a collection of four ligaments called the deltoid ligament.

Symptoms of medial ankle sprain

Inner ankle tendon pain is the main symptom of damage to the deltoid ligament. In addition, people with a medial ankle sprain can feel sudden or chronic:

  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Tenderness
  • Difficulty walking

These symptoms might be felt in a few different areas, including:

  • Deep within your ankle joint
  • On or just within the outside of your ankle
  • On the top of your ankle joint
  • In some cases, the interior back of the ankle

What to expect from inner ankle physical therapy in Grand Rapids

An inner ankle sprain can be debilitating, whether it happens suddenly or gradually. Fortunately, with rest and a personalized physical therapy exercise plan, you can find relief quickly and sustainably.

Your ankle physical therapy treatment for a sprain will likely include a combination of rest, ice, compression, and elevation to encourage healing, along with non-aggravating exercises and stretches to keep the joint loose and strong during this process. It’s helpful to meet with a physical therapist in person at one of our Grand Rapids PT clinics for an evaluation, but we do offer virtual physical therapy at Advent when possible to better meet your needs and schedule.

Treatment programs typically last 4-8 weeks with a few appointments per week, depending on the severity of the sprain and adherence to the treatment plan. Our goal is to get you back on your feet—literally—without pain and with tools and techniques to prevent injury in the future.

Find relief from medial ankle pain in Grand Rapids at Advent Physical Therapy

Whether your pain is caused by a medial ankle sprain or something else, our physical therapists can help. Take the first step toward relief by calling an office near you or by requesting an appointment online today. We’ll have a conversation about your preferences for treatment before committing to an appointment schedule that’s right for you.