
How long after hitting my head should I look for the symptoms of a concussion?

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Avoiding Neck Pain and Headaches

Do you think you might have sustained a concussion after hitting your head? Symptoms such as headaches can be indicative of a concussion. If you’ve experienced a concussion, seeking treatment is key for recovery. Concussions are a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBIs are relatively common, with estimates suggesting that half of the global population will have at least one TBI over their life span.

After hitting your head, it can help to watch out for concussion symptoms. Symptoms often appear immediately. If you aren’t noticing any immediate symptoms, keep monitoring your condition for the next few days. Symptoms typically develop within the first 24 hours; however, in some cases, they can take multiple days to appear. Delayed concussion symptoms can be just as intense as immediate symptoms. Learning about the most common symptoms can help you stay vigilant.

Potential concussion symptoms to look out for after hitting your head

  • Headache — if you’re experiencing a persistent headache after hitting your head, the cause could be a concussion. Concussions often lead to headaches that feel like a constant throbbing or pressure in the head. If this symptom worsens over time rather than getting better, you should seek treatment as soon as possible.
  • Nausea — Nausea often develops soon after a concussion. After hitting your head, you may feel off balance and dizzy. You may even feel the urge to vomit. This is one way the body reacts to sudden physical trauma. If you’re experiencing the onset of nausea, it might be a sign that you sustained a concussion when you hit your head.
  • Sensitivity — Do bright lights and loud sounds bother you more than usual after hitting your head? Increased sensitivity is a common concussion symptom. People with concussions often retreat to dark, quiet spaces while recovering. Intense stimuli can trigger other symptoms like nausea and headaches. With the right treatments, you can reduce your sensitivity and find relief from your other symptoms as well.

Get concussion treatment at SSOR

SSOR (Specialists in Sports and Orthopedic Rehabilitation) offers specialized therapeutic support for a range of injuries. If you’ve sustained a concussion, we can help you work toward recovery.

Call us or request an appointment today to learn more about how we can help address concussion symptoms.