
What’s really behind that crunching sound in your knee?

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crunching sound in knee

Knee pain is not the only warning sign of an underlying knee condition. Other signs — like a crunching sound in your knee — can be a compelling reason to seek treatment. A crunching sound in the knee is most likely to occur while in motion. You might be startled by the noise while going for a jog or climbing a staircase. The sound might be accompanied by pain and discomfort.

If you hear a crunching sound in your knee, taking it seriously is important. Finding a skilled treatment provider like a physical therapist can be vital to addressing your symptoms before they get worse. If you do not know the cause of your symptoms, a physical therapist can also help provide a diagnosis. Understanding the source of your symptoms is an essential step for finding treatments that match your needs. Learning about some common causes of crunching sounds in the knee can highlight the importance of receiving professional care.

Crunching sound in knee: Common causes


  • Meniscus tear — Recently injured your knee? Meniscus tears are one kind of knee injury that can lead to odd sounds. The meniscus is a rubbery C-shaped disc that functions to give the knee joint cushioning. When this pad of protective cartilage is torn through gradual wear or a sudden injury, it can result in a crunching sound. This is because the rough edges of the torn meniscus can rub against each other as well as the surfaces of other joints. Additional symptoms of a meniscus tear include pain and swelling. You may also experience a “locking” sensation when you try to move your knee. With physical therapy treatments such as quadriceps exercises, you can work to speed up your recovery timeline.

  • Loose bodies — Loose bodies are fragments of bone or cartilage tissue. Because they are no longer connected, they can float within the space around the joint. The symptoms you experience may change depending on where your loose bodies migrate. When they come into contact with joints, they can cause a loud crunching sound in the knee. You might also feel pain in the area surrounding your loose bodies. This condition can be the result of an injury, wear and tear, or other underlying causes. A physical therapist can help identify the root cause of your loose bodies. Understanding the source of your symptoms can enable your physical therapist to treat them effectively.

  • Runner’s knee — Runner’s knee gets its name from the fact that it is more common among athletic people. If you spend a lot of your time running and jumping, you may be at a heightened risk for runner’s knee. The medical term for this condition is chondromalacia patellae. Another common term is patellofemoral pain syndrome. If you hear these terms used by a medical professional, remember they are the same thing as runner’s knee. All three names refer to cartilage damage under the kneecap. Pain caused by runner’s knee tends to get worse when your knee is in motion. Simple activities like walking up a staircase can become more difficult as a result. You may feel a crackling sensation in your kneecap along with a crunching sound. If you have runner’s knee, it is important to cut back on strenuous activities. Continuing to run and play intensive sports can make your condition worse. With physical therapy, you can make gradual progress toward a rapid and complete recovery.

  • Bursitis — Experiencing major inflammation around your knee joint? Bursitis could be the cause. Bursitis refers to the inflammation of bursae, which are little fluid-filled sacs that cushion the joints. Overuse and injury can irritate these sacs. If you frequently put excessive pressure on your knee joint, you might be at a high risk for bursitis. Inflammation in the bursae tends to cause swelling and persistent pain. Another common symptom is hearing a crunching sound in the knee. Resting your affected knee is an essential part of treating bursitis. Your physical therapist can offer a range of other treatment options to help boost your recovery.

  • Arthritis — Arthritis refers to a set of conditions that cause stiffness and swelling in the joints. Different kinds of arthritis can have different causes and treatment options. One of the most common types of arthritis in the knee is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs when joint tissue breaks down and loses its protective qualities. This degenerative condition can lead to bones scraping against each other. Osteoarthritis symptoms can be managed by physical therapy, empowering you to maintain a good quality of life.

Find treatment for your knee condition at SSOR

Ready to address that nagging crunching sound in your knee? SSOR (Specialists in Sports and Orthopedic Rehabilitation) can help. We offer effective treatments ranging from targeted exercises to manual therapy. With our help, you can experience the advantages of a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Call us or request an appointment today to get help addressing your knee condition.