
Finger hurts to bend? Could be trigger finger

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finger hurts to bend

Does it hurt to bend your finger? Experiencing any kind of hand pain can be a major inconvenience. The fingers are essential for many daily activities. If you work with your hands, finger pain can make it feel impossible to get anything done. One common cause of finger pain is trigger finger. Trigger finger is a condition affecting the tendons around your fingers and thumb that can make your finger hurt to bend. Tendons are cords of dense but flexible tissue that work to connect your muscles and bones. The tendons in your hand play a vital role in enabling joint movement. Because the tendons are so important for maintaining function, conditions that affect them can be debilitating. Trigger finger is no exception. Left untreated, trigger finger can cause your fingers to “freeze” in one position. This happens when a tendon and its protective sheath become so inflamed that your movement is restricted. The swelling and thickening associated with trigger finger can make your finger hurt to bend. 

Common causes of trigger finger

Several factors can contribute to the development of trigger finger. The condition occurs when the finger tendons get irritated and swell to the point that they have difficulty moving. This is why it often hurts to bend your finger when you are experiencing trigger finger. The swelling can make you feel as if your finger catches or locks when you try to bend it. While the direct causes of trigger finger are not always obvious, there are a few common risk factors to look out for.


  • Strenuous movements — Do you spend a lot of time repeating the same rigorous hand motions? Repetitive motions like gripping, typing and using tools can strain your finger tendons over time. When the same movement is repeated over and over, it can overexert a single part of your body. The repetitive stress can cause tendon inflammation, which is a major factor in trigger finger. If you notice your finger hurts to bend while engaging in strenuous activities, it can help to take frequent breaks. You may also want to find a less stressful way to participate.

  • Age and lifestyle — Trigger finger can develop in people of any age. However, you may be at a higher or lower risk for trigger finger based on your age and lifestyle. Research says trigger finger is more common in adults in their 40s and 50s. Women are more likely to be affected. This does not mean children cannot experience trigger finger. In children, the risk peaks at around 8 years old. If you have a child whose finger hurts to bend, they might have trigger finger symptoms. Lifestyle can also play a role. Hairstylists and bartenders, as well as those who have a physically taxing job like farming or industrial work, may be more likely to develop trigger finger. Hobbies like rock climbing or playing an instrument can have a similar effect.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis Arthritis causes joint inflammation. There are different kinds of arthritis that are mainly differentiated by their root causes. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition. While rheumatoid arthritis may not be curable, the symptoms can be managed. Good symptom management can be essential for pain relief. When joint inflammation affects the hands, it can lead to tendon inflammation as well. This can cause trigger finger that makes your fingers hurt to bend.

How physical therapy can provide relief for your finger that hurts to bend


  • Hand exercises — A physical therapist can help keep your tendons flexible with gentle hand exercises. These might include targeted stretches and strengthening exercises meant to restore and maintain functionality. Keeping your fingers flexible can reduce inflammation and pain.

  • Ergonomics — If your finger hurts to bend because of working conditions, ergonomic solutions can be an effective treatment. By addressing your body mechanics, ergonomics can reduce stress on your tendons. This can make a big impact whether you work in an industrial facility or an office setting.

Find help addressing your trigger finger at SSOR

Are you ready to find treatment for your trigger finger? Specialists in Sports and Orthopedic Rehabilitation can offer an unparalleled treatment experience. Our physical therapists make personalized treatment a priority. This means you can receive care tailored to your needs and priorities. By using the range of physical therapy techniques and tools we offer, you can make real improvements to your hand health and experience lasting pain relief.

Contact us today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.