
8 signs it’s time to take that stiff neck seriously

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Physical Therapy for Neck Pain and Headaches

You may have heard that neck stiffness can be a sign of a serious condition — but how do you know when to seek out an evaluation? When neck stiffness is serious, it’s usually accompanied by other symptoms. 

In this blog post, we’ll talk about eight signs your neck stiffness may be caused by a serious condition.

8 signs that a stiff neck may be serious

The most serious condition that causes a stiff neck is a kind of infection called meningitis. It affects the membrane around the brain, and it requires medical treatment right away. With meningitis, a person would also have a headache, fever, and potentially nausea or vomiting. 

A couple of other conditions that cause neck stiffness are serious, but not emergency situations. Cervical dystonia is another condition that causes neck stiffness, and you would notice muscle spasms or be unable to move your neck. Tumors can also sometimes cause neck stiffness. 

These eight signs may indicate that your neck stiffness is part of a more serious condition:

  1. Fever
  2. Nausea or vomiting
  3. Headache, especially if it’s unlike ones you’ve had before
  4. Fatigue or unexplained drowsiness
  5. Inability to move your neck
  6. Changes in mental state, such as confusion or mood swings
  7. Coordination issues, like dizziness or trouble walking or writing
  8. Unexplained weight loss 

While it can be very uncomfortable, neck stiffness usually isn’t a sign of something serious. There are things you can do to relieve a stiff neck at home, such as gentle stretching and massage. You can also try seeing a physical therapist. 

At Continuum Wellness, we take all of our patients’ concerns seriously. We take the time to listen to our patients. We also provide education to help you understand what you’re experiencing and feel empowered to manage your own wellness. Treatments are more effective when you feel you have a say in planning your health care, so we involve our patients in the process of creating their personalized treatment plans. 

Are you ready to find out what’s causing your neck stiffness and find treatments that can help? Call us or request an appointment today.