
6 top stretches for neck and shoulder pain

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6 Top Stretches for Neck and Shoulder Pain | SSOR

Pain in the neck and shoulders can be a common complaint. The neck and shoulders are the head’s stability and support system. They also help to support the range of arm and head motions. The neck and shoulders are made up of bones, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments. The shoulder is a complex group of bones and joints, including the scapula, clavicle, acromioclavicular joint, glenohumeral joint, rotator cuff, deltoid and trapezius. The neck is also called the cervical spine and is composed of bones, muscles, nerves, ligaments and tendons, including the cervical spine and hyoid bone. 

Pain in the neck and shoulder: What does it feel like?

Neck and shoulder pain are a common experience affecting over 40% of adults. This pain is usually the result of injury due to overexertion or poor posture. This pain can range from mild to severe and can include:

  • Tingling.
  • Numbness.
  • Soreness.
  • Spasms.
  • Stiffness.
  • Shooting or sharp pain. 
  • Dull ache.
  • Pain when moving. 

Neck and shoulder pain can sometimes be a sign of a heart attack or a stroke and require immediate medical attention as these are serious medical emergencies. 

What can cause pain in the neck and shoulder?

Neck and shoulder pain can be caused by a variety of factors. If you are experiencing persistent or severe neck and shoulder pain, it is advisable to seek medical attention to uncover the underlying cause. Causes of neck and shoulder pain can include:

  • Poor posture — Slouching or hunching over electronics or desks for long periods of time can result in causing strains and sprains in the muscles and ligaments in the neck and shoulders, resulting in pain.

  • Tension and stress — Emotional stress can lead to muscle tension in the neck and shoulders, resulting in discomfort and pain.

  • Muscle strain — Overusing or improperly using the muscles in the neck and shoulders can lead to muscle strain and cause pain.

  • Whiplash — Whiplash is the sudden and forceful back-and-forth movement of the neck. It is often as a result of car accidents and can lead to pain.

  • Herniated cervical disc — Herniated discs in the cervical spine can put pressure on nerves. This pressure can lead to pain and discomfort.

  • Pinched nerves — Structural issues or injuries can cause pain, numbness, and tingling due to compressed or pinched nerves.

  • Rotator cuff injuries — Injuries to the rotator cuff can cause limited range of motion and pain. 

Exercises that can help pain in the neck and shoulder

Physical therapy exercises are a safe and effective way to help ease neck and shoulder pain. Exercises that can help with the pain include:

  • Neck roll — This exercise is good for the neck and upper back. Start by standing or sitting facing forward. Tilt your neck to the right, causing you to feel a stretch through your neck down into your trapezius muscle. After a moment, slowly roll your head counterclockwise and pause when you reach your left shoulder. Complete the rotation by ending where you started. Repeat as directed by your physical therapist.

  • Shoulder roll — This exercise is good for the shoulders and upper back. Stand with your arms down at your sides; then roll your shoulders in a backward circular motion, completing five rotations and then completing five rotations forward.

  • Face pull — This exercise is good for the shoulders and upper back. It involves the use of a resistance band. Affix the band to a stable surface above your eye level. Grab each handle with an overhead grip and pull directly toward your face. Flare your upper arms out to your sides and squeeze your shoulders together. Pause and hold this for a moment before returning to the starting position. Repeat as directed by your physical therapist.

  • Scapular squeeze — This exercise is also good for the shoulders and upper back. While standing with your arms down by your sides, squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold this for a few seconds and then release. Repeat as directed by your physical therapist.

  • Upper trapezius stretch — This exercise is good for the upper back and neck. While you are standing straight or sitting in a chair, take your right hand and place it on the back of your head. Take your left hand and tuck it behind your back. Use your right hand to gently pull your head toward your right shoulder. Hold this for a few seconds and release. Repeat with the opposite direction and as many times as directed by your physical therapist.

  • Levator scapulae stretch — This stretch is good for the neck and upper back. While standing straight or sitting in a chair, turn your neck 45 degrees to the left. Bend your neck downward. You may use your left hand for a greater stretch. Hold this pose for a few seconds and then repeat on the other side, as many times as directed by your physical therapist. 

What are the benefits of exercises to help pain in the neck and shoulder?

Regular stretching exercises can be beneficial in reducing neck and shoulder pain and improving your quality of life. Benefits from stretching exercises can include:

  • Reducing muscle tension.
  • Improving circulation.
  • Pain relief.
  • Correcting posture.
  • Improving flexibility. 
  • Promoting healing.
  • Increasing joint stability.

SSOR is well equipped to help you find relief from your shoulder and neck pain

At SSOR, our in-depth knowledge of the musculoskeletal system can help you find relief from the pain in your neck and shoulders. Our expert physical therapists can design a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. We can incorporate a variety of stretching exercises and other modalities to help you improve your flexibility, reduce muscle tension, and find relief from the shoulder and neck pain you’re experiencing. Our goal is to help you achieve your highest quality of life. 

Contact us today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.