
5 tips for relieving rotator cuff pain at night for a better night’s rest

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Overview of Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain from a rotator cuff injury can be bothersome both when you’re active and while you’re at rest. However, your body needs full nights of restful sleep in order to recover. You’ll also be more resistant to pain when you’re well rested. 

Many of our patients who come in with a torn rotator cuff are exhausted and frustrated because they can’t find a way to get comfortable so they can fall asleep at night. It can take some experimentation to figure out what works for you. We recommend a few different strategies that usually provide some relief.

In this blog post, we’ll share our best tips for sleeping comfortably with a rotator cuff injury.

How can I relieve rotator cuff pain at home?

One strategy we recommend to relieve pain from soft tissue injuries like a rotator cuff tear is the RICE method: rest, ice, compression and elevation. You need to rest your shoulder to give your body time to heal. Ice can help numb your pain, and compression increases circulation. Elevation helps keep blood from stagnating in the area. For some people, heat can also help relieve pain from a torn rotator cuff. Try alternating an ice pack with a heating pad, applying each one for about 20 minutes, to see what works for you. You can also take an NSAID pain reliever and try gentle stretching and movement to relieve pain and break up stiffness.

5 tips for sleeping with a rotator cuff injury

Though it can be difficult, adjusting your sleeping position is a critical approach to sleeping comfortably with a rotator cuff injury. Use pillows and towels to support both your arm and your body. This helps minimize strain on your shoulder and provides some stability when sleeping in positions you’re not used to. Before you go to bed, do some hot and cold therapy and gentle movement to loosen up your shoulder.

Try the following five strategies to make it easier to sleep with a rotator cuff injury:

  1. Sleep on your back more comfortably by putting a pillow under your knees and using a towel or pillow to support your arm.
  2. When sleeping on the opposite side, put a pillow behind your back for support and tilt your pillow forward so you can rest the affected arm on it.
  3. If you must sleep on the affected side, put a pillow under your armpit for support.
  4. Do some gentle stretching and movement to loosen up your arm before going to bed.
  5. Do hot and cold therapy before bed to relieve shoulder pain.


Physical therapy at Advent PT can help you manage pain from a torn rotator cuff

These strategies can provide some relief from rotator cuff pain when you’re trying to get to sleep. To bring down your overall pain level and make a full recovery, you should see a physical therapist. We can provide treatments that work fast to break up stiffness in your shoulder and improve circulation in the area. You’ll still need to spend some time resting, but after a treatment or two, you’ll be able to relax without as much shoulder pain.

At Advent PT, our physical therapists are experts in treating musculoskeletal conditions like rotator cuff tears. We create individualized treatment plans for each patient because we know your life and your condition are unique.

Looking for a physical therapist who can treat a torn rotator cuff in West Michigan? Find an Advent PT location near you. Contact us or request an appointment today. Let’s address your shoulder pain so you can rest easier.